Step 1: Create Project
Create an Android Studio project
1.There are 2 ways to create project by Android Studio.
Method one: choose Create new Project on the homepage of Android Studio.
Figure: Create new Project |
Method 2: choose File> New > New Project... on the homepage of Android Studio
Figure: Create new Project |
2.Select a project template.
Select the template you want. Click Next. Here we choose Empty Activity in the Phone and iTablet tab.
Figure: Select activity |
3.Configure the project
Fill in the project's properties. Among them, set Language to Java.
- Name: the application name which also is the name of the Android Studio Project.
- Package name: the package name of the application. Each App has an independent package name. If an App has the same package name as another app, Android will consider they are the same app. Therefore, please make sure that different App has different package names.
- Save location: the path of Project. The left area is for project files the right area for codes.
Figure: Configure project |
After all settings, you will head to the following home page of Android Studio.
Figure: Android Studio home page |